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0x8b2f36–66963a at 0x09c06d–bba56d
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

/// @title A contract used to convert multi-part RLE compressed images to SVG

 * ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ *
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 * ░░░░░░█████████░░█████████░░░ *
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pragma solidity ^0.8.6;

import { ISVGRenderer } from './interfaces/ISVGRenderer.sol';

contract SVGRenderer is ISVGRenderer {
    bytes16 private constant _HEX_SYMBOLS = '0123456789abcdef';
    uint256 private constant _INDEX_TO_BYTES3_FACTOR = 3;

    // prettier-ignore
    string private constant _SVG_START_TAG = '<svg width="320" height="320" viewBox="0 0 320 320" xmlns="" shape-rendering="crispEdges">';
    string private constant _SVG_END_TAG = '</svg>';

    struct ContentBounds {
        uint8 top;
        uint8 right;
        uint8 bottom;
        uint8 left;

    struct Draw {
        uint8 length;
        uint8 colorIndex;

    struct DecodedImage {
        ContentBounds bounds;
        Draw[] draws;

     * @notice Given RLE image data and color palette pointers, merge to generate a single SVG image.
    function generateSVG(SVGParams calldata params) external pure override returns (string memory svg) {
        if (bytes(params.background).length != 0) {
            // prettier-ignore
            return string(
                    '<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#', params.background, '" />',
        return string(abi.encodePacked(_SVG_START_TAG, _generateSVGRects(params), _SVG_END_TAG));

     * @notice Given RLE image data and a color palette pointer, merge to generate a partial SVG image.
    function generateSVGPart(Part calldata part) external pure override returns (string memory partialSVG) {
        Part[] memory parts = new Part[](1);
        parts[0] = part;

        return _generateSVGRects(SVGParams({ parts: parts, background: '' }));

     * @notice Given RLE image data and color palette pointers, merge to generate a partial SVG image.
    function generateSVGParts(Part[] calldata parts) external pure override returns (string memory partialSVG) {
        return _generateSVGRects(SVGParams({ parts: parts, background: '' }));

     * @notice Given RLE image parts and color palettes, generate SVG rects.
    // prettier-ignore
    function _generateSVGRects(SVGParams memory params)
        returns (string memory svg)
        string[33] memory lookup = [
            '0', '10', '20', '30', '40', '50', '60', '70', 
            '80', '90', '100', '110', '120', '130', '140', '150', 
            '160', '170', '180', '190', '200', '210', '220', '230', 
            '240', '250', '260', '270', '280', '290', '300', '310',
        string memory rects;
        string[] memory cache;
        for (uint8 p = 0; p <; p++) {
            cache = new string[](256); // Initialize color cache

            DecodedImage memory image = _decodeRLEImage([p].image);
            bytes memory palette =[p].palette;
            uint256 currentX = image.bounds.left;
            uint256 currentY =;
            uint256 cursor;
            string[16] memory buffer;

            string memory part;
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < image.draws.length; i++) {
                Draw memory draw = image.draws[i];

                uint8 length = _getRectLength(currentX, draw.length, image.bounds.right);
                while (length > 0) {
                    if (draw.colorIndex != 0) {
                        buffer[cursor] = lookup[length];                                 // width
                        buffer[cursor + 1] = lookup[currentX];                           // x
                        buffer[cursor + 2] = lookup[currentY];                           // y
                        buffer[cursor + 3] = _getColor(palette, draw.colorIndex, cache); // color

                        cursor += 4;

                        if (cursor >= 16) {
                            part = string(abi.encodePacked(part, _getChunk(cursor, buffer)));
                            cursor = 0;

                    currentX += length;
                    if (currentX == image.bounds.right) {
                        currentX = image.bounds.left;

                    draw.length -= length;
                    length = _getRectLength(currentX, draw.length, image.bounds.right);

            if (cursor != 0) {
                part = string(abi.encodePacked(part, _getChunk(cursor, buffer)));
            rects = string(abi.encodePacked(rects, part));
        return rects;

     * @notice Given an x-coordinate, draw length, and right bound, return the draw
     * length for a single SVG rectangle.
    function _getRectLength(
        uint256 currentX,
        uint8 drawLength,
        uint8 rightBound
    ) private pure returns (uint8) {
        uint8 remainingPixelsInLine = rightBound - uint8(currentX);
        return drawLength <= remainingPixelsInLine ? drawLength : remainingPixelsInLine;

     * @notice Return a string that consists of all rects in the provided `buffer`.
    // prettier-ignore
    function _getChunk(uint256 cursor, string[16] memory buffer) private pure returns (string memory) {
        string memory chunk;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < cursor; i += 4) {
            chunk = string(
                    '<rect width="', buffer[i], '" height="10" x="', buffer[i + 1], '" y="', buffer[i + 2], '" fill="#', buffer[i + 3], '" />'
        return chunk;

     * @notice Decode a single RLE compressed image into a `DecodedImage`.
    function _decodeRLEImage(bytes memory image) private pure returns (DecodedImage memory) {
        ContentBounds memory bounds = ContentBounds({
            top: uint8(image[1]),
            right: uint8(image[2]),
            bottom: uint8(image[3]),
            left: uint8(image[4])

        uint256 cursor;
        Draw[] memory draws = new Draw[]((image.length - 5) / 2);
        for (uint256 i = 5; i < image.length; i += 2) {
            draws[cursor] = Draw({ length: uint8(image[i]), colorIndex: uint8(image[i + 1]) });
        return DecodedImage({ bounds: bounds, draws: draws });

     * @notice Get the target hex color code from the cache. Populate the cache if
     * the color code does not yet exist.
    function _getColor(
        bytes memory palette,
        uint256 index,
        string[] memory cache
    ) private pure returns (string memory) {
        if (bytes(cache[index]).length == 0) {
            uint256 i = index * _INDEX_TO_BYTES3_FACTOR;
            cache[index] = _toHexString(abi.encodePacked(palette[i], palette[i + 1], palette[i + 2]));
        return cache[index];

     * @dev Convert `bytes` to a 6 character ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.
    function _toHexString(bytes memory b) private pure returns (string memory) {
        uint24 value = uint24(bytes3(b));

        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(6);
        buffer[5] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[value & 0xf];
        buffer[4] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[(value >> 4) & 0xf];
        buffer[3] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[(value >> 8) & 0xf];
        buffer[2] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[(value >> 12) & 0xf];
        buffer[1] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[(value >> 16) & 0xf];
        buffer[0] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[(value >> 20) & 0xf];
        return string(buffer);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

/// @title Interface for SVGRenderer

 * ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ *
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 * ░░░░░░█████████░░█████████░░░ *
 * ░░░░░░██░░░████░░██░░░████░░░ *
 * ░░██████░░░████████░░░████░░░ *
 * ░░██░░██░░░████░░██░░░████░░░ *
 * ░░██░░██░░░████░░██░░░████░░░ *
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pragma solidity ^0.8.6;

interface ISVGRenderer {
    struct Part {
        bytes image;
        bytes palette;

    struct SVGParams {
        Part[] parts;
        string background;

    function generateSVG(SVGParams memory params) external view returns (string memory svg);

    function generateSVGPart(Part memory part) external view returns (string memory partialSVG);

    function generateSVGParts(Part[] memory parts) external view returns (string memory partialSVG);

Contract ABI

[{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[{"type":"string","name":"svg","internalType":"string"}],"name":"generateSVG","inputs":[{"type":"tuple","name":"params","internalType":"struct ISVGRenderer.SVGParams","components":[{"type":"tuple[]","name":"parts","internalType":"struct ISVGRenderer.Part[]","components":[{"type":"bytes","name":"image","internalType":"bytes"},{"type":"bytes","name":"palette","internalType":"bytes"}]},{"type":"string","name":"background","internalType":"string"}]}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[{"type":"string","name":"partialSVG","internalType":"string"}],"name":"generateSVGPart","inputs":[{"type":"tuple","name":"part","internalType":"struct ISVGRenderer.Part","components":[{"type":"bytes","name":"image","internalType":"bytes"},{"type":"bytes","name":"palette","internalType":"bytes"}]}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[{"type":"string","name":"partialSVG","internalType":"string"}],"name":"generateSVGParts","inputs":[{"type":"tuple[]","name":"parts","internalType":"struct ISVGRenderer.Part[]","components":[{"type":"bytes","name":"image","internalType":"bytes"},{"type":"bytes","name":"palette","internalType":"bytes"}]}]}]

Contract Creation Code


Deployed ByteCode
