Address Details


Contract Name
0x56fd3f–9b8d81 at 0xc5efbb–feaae0
0 CELO ( )
Locked CELO Balance
0.00 CELO
Voting CELO Balance
0.00 CELO
Pending Unlocked Gold
0.00 CELO
Fetching tokens...
1 Transactions
0 Transfers
Gas Used
Last Balance Update
This contract has been verified via Sourcify. View contract in Sourcify repository
Contract name:

Optimization enabled
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Verified at


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import { Ownable } from "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
import { SafeMath } from "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";

import { IERC20Metadata } from "../common/interfaces/IERC20Metadata.sol";
import { IExchangeProvider } from "../interfaces/IExchangeProvider.sol";
import { IBiPoolManager } from "../interfaces/IBiPoolManager.sol";
import { IReserve } from "../interfaces/IReserve.sol";
import { IPricingModule } from "../interfaces/IPricingModule.sol";
import { ISortedOracles } from "../interfaces/ISortedOracles.sol";
import { IBreakerBox } from "../interfaces/IBreakerBox.sol";

import { Initializable } from "../common/Initializable.sol";
import { FixidityLib } from "../common/FixidityLib.sol";

 * @title BiPoolExchangeManager
 * @notice An exchange manager that manages asset exchanges consisting of two assets
contract BiPoolManager is IExchangeProvider, IBiPoolManager, Initializable, Ownable {
  using FixidityLib for FixidityLib.Fraction;
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  /* ==================== State Variables ==================== */

  // Address of the broker contract.
  address public broker;

  // Maps an exchange id to the corresponding PoolExchange struct.
  // exchangeId is in the format "asset0Symbol:asset1Symbol:pricingModuleName"
  mapping(bytes32 => PoolExchange) public exchanges;
  bytes32[] public exchangeIds;

  uint256 private constant TRADING_MODE_BIDIRECTIONAL = 0;

  // Address of the Mento Reserve contract
  IReserve public reserve;

  // Address of the Mento BreakerBox contract
  IBreakerBox public breakerBox;

  // Address of the Mento SortedOracles contract
  ISortedOracles public sortedOracles;

  // Token precision multiplier used to normalize values to the
  // same precision when calculating vAMM bucket sizes.
  mapping(address => uint256) public tokenPrecisionMultipliers;

  bytes32 public constant CONSTANT_SUM = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("ConstantSum"));
  bytes32 public constant CONSTANT_PRODUCT = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("ConstantProduct"));

  // Maps a pricing module identifier to the address of the pricing module contract.
  mapping(bytes32 => address) public pricingModules;

  /* ==================== Constructor ==================== */

   * @notice Sets initialized == true on implementation contracts.
   * @param test Set to true to skip implementation initialization.
  // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks
  constructor(bool test) public Initializable(test) {}

   * @notice Allows the contract to be upgradable via the proxy.
   * @param _broker The address of the broker contract.
   * @param _reserve The address of the reserve contract.
   * @param _sortedOracles The address of the sorted oracles contract.
   * @param _breakerBox The address of the breaker box contract.
  function initialize(
    address _broker,
    IReserve _reserve,
    ISortedOracles _sortedOracles,
    IBreakerBox _breakerBox
  ) external initializer {

  /* ==================== Modifiers ==================== */

  modifier onlyBroker() {
    require(msg.sender == broker, "Caller is not the Broker");

  modifier verifyExchangeTokens(
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    PoolExchange memory exchange
  ) {
      (tokenIn == exchange.asset0 && tokenOut == exchange.asset1) ||
        (tokenIn == exchange.asset1 && tokenOut == exchange.asset0),
      "tokenIn and tokenOut must match exchange"

  /* ==================== View Functions ==================== */

   * @notice Get a PoolExchange from storage.
   * @param exchangeId the exchange id
  function getPoolExchange(bytes32 exchangeId) public view returns (PoolExchange memory exchange) {
    exchange = exchanges[exchangeId];
    require(exchange.asset0 != address(0), "An exchange with the specified id does not exist");

   * @notice Get all exchange IDs.
   * @return exchangeIds List of the exchangeIds.
  function getExchangeIds() external view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    return exchangeIds;

   * @notice Get all exchanges (used by interfaces)
   * @dev We don't expect the number of exchanges to grow to
   * astronomical values so this is safe gas-wise as is.
  function getExchanges() public view returns (Exchange[] memory _exchanges) {
    uint256 numExchanges = exchangeIds.length;
    _exchanges = new Exchange[](numExchanges);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numExchanges; i++) {
      _exchanges[i].exchangeId = exchangeIds[i];
      _exchanges[i].assets = new address[](2);
      _exchanges[i].assets[0] = exchanges[exchangeIds[i]].asset0;
      _exchanges[i].assets[1] = exchanges[exchangeIds[i]].asset1;

   * @notice Calculate amountOut of tokenOut received for a given amountIn of tokenIn
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange i.e PoolExchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
   * @return amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
  function getAmountOut(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountIn
  ) external view returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    PoolExchange memory exchange = getPoolExchange(exchangeId);
    uint256 scaledAmountIn = amountIn.mul(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenIn]);
    (uint256 scaledAmountOut, ) = _getAmountOut(exchange, tokenIn, tokenOut, scaledAmountIn);
    amountOut = scaledAmountOut.div(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenOut]);
    return amountOut;

   * @notice Calculate amountIn of tokenIn for a given amountOut of tokenOut
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange i.e PoolExchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
   * @return amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
  function getAmountIn(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountOut
  ) external view returns (uint256 amountIn) {
    PoolExchange memory exchange = getPoolExchange(exchangeId);
    uint256 scaledAmountOut = amountOut.mul(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenOut]);
    (uint256 scaledAmountIn, ) = _getAmountIn(exchange, tokenIn, tokenOut, scaledAmountOut);
    amountIn = scaledAmountIn.div(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenIn]);
    return amountIn;

  /* ==================== Mutative Functions ==================== */

   * @notice Sets the address of the broker contract.
   * @param _broker The new address of the broker contract.
  function setBroker(address _broker) public onlyOwner {
    require(_broker != address(0), "Broker address must be set");
    broker = _broker;
    emit BrokerUpdated(_broker);

   * @notice Sets the address of the reserve contract.
   * @param _reserve The new address of the reserve contract.
  function setReserve(IReserve _reserve) public onlyOwner {
    require(address(_reserve) != address(0), "Reserve address must be set");
    reserve = _reserve;
    emit ReserveUpdated(address(_reserve));

   * @notice Sets the address of the BreakerBox.
   * @param _breakerBox The new BreakerBox address.
  function setBreakerBox(IBreakerBox _breakerBox) public onlyOwner {
    require(address(_breakerBox) != address(0), "BreakerBox address must be set");
    breakerBox = _breakerBox;
    emit BreakerBoxUpdated(address(_breakerBox));

   * @notice Sets the address of the sortedOracles contract.
   * @param _sortedOracles The new address of the sorted oracles contract.
  function setSortedOracles(ISortedOracles _sortedOracles) public onlyOwner {
    require(address(_sortedOracles) != address(0), "SortedOracles address must be set");
    sortedOracles = _sortedOracles;
    emit SortedOraclesUpdated(address(_sortedOracles));

   * @notice Updates the pricing modules for a list of identifiers
   * @dev This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.
   *      The number of identifiers and modules provided must be the same.
   * @param identifiers An array of identifiers for which the pricing modules are to be set.
   * @param modules An array of module addresses corresponding to each identifier.
  function setPricingModules(bytes32[] calldata identifiers, address[] calldata modules) external onlyOwner {
    require(identifiers.length == modules.length, "identifiers and modules must be the same length");
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < identifiers.length; i++) {
      pricingModules[identifiers[i]] = modules[i];
    emit PricingModulesUpdated(identifiers, modules);

   * @notice Creates a new exchange using the given parameters.
   * @param _exchange the PoolExchange to create.
   * @return exchangeId The id of the newly created exchange.
  function createExchange(PoolExchange calldata _exchange) external onlyOwner returns (bytes32 exchangeId) {
    PoolExchange memory exchange = _exchange;
    require(address(exchange.pricingModule) != address(0), "pricingModule must be set");
    require(exchange.asset0 != address(0), "asset0 must be set");
    require(exchange.asset1 != address(0), "asset1 must be set");
    require(exchange.asset0 != exchange.asset1, "exchange assets can't be identical");
      pricingModules[pricingModuleIdentifier(exchange)] == address(exchange.pricingModule),
      "invalid pricingModule"

    exchangeId = keccak256(
    require(exchanges[exchangeId].asset0 == address(0), "An exchange with the specified assets and exchange exists");

    (uint256 bucket0, uint256 bucket1) = getUpdatedBuckets(exchange);

    exchange.bucket0 = bucket0;
    exchange.bucket1 = bucket1;

    uint256 asset0Decimals = IERC20Metadata(exchange.asset0).decimals();
    uint256 asset1Decimals = IERC20Metadata(exchange.asset1).decimals();

    require(asset0Decimals <= 18, "asset0 decimals must be <= 18");
    require(asset1Decimals <= 18, "asset1 decimals must be <= 18");

    tokenPrecisionMultipliers[exchange.asset0] = 10**(18 - uint256(asset0Decimals));
    tokenPrecisionMultipliers[exchange.asset1] = 10**(18 - uint256(asset1Decimals));

    exchanges[exchangeId] = exchange;

    emit ExchangeCreated(exchangeId, exchange.asset0, exchange.asset1, address(exchange.pricingModule));

   * @notice Destroys a exchange with the given parameters if it exists and frees up
   *         the collateral and stable allocation it was using.
   * @param exchangeId the id of the exchange to destroy
   * @param exchangeIdIndex The index of the exchangeId in the ids array
   * @return destroyed A boolean indicating whether or not the exchange was successfully destroyed.
  function destroyExchange(bytes32 exchangeId, uint256 exchangeIdIndex) external onlyOwner returns (bool destroyed) {
    require(exchangeIdIndex < exchangeIds.length, "exchangeIdIndex not in range");
    require(exchangeIds[exchangeIdIndex] == exchangeId, "exchangeId at index doesn't match");
    PoolExchange memory exchange = exchanges[exchangeId];

    delete exchanges[exchangeId];
    exchangeIds[exchangeIdIndex] = exchangeIds[exchangeIds.length.sub(1)];
    destroyed = true;

    emit ExchangeDestroyed(exchangeId, exchange.asset0, exchange.asset1, address(exchange.pricingModule));

   * @notice Execute a token swap with fixed amountIn
   * @param exchangeId The id of exchange, i.e. PoolExchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
   * @return amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
  function swapIn(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountIn
  ) external onlyBroker returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    PoolExchange memory exchange = getPoolExchange(exchangeId);
      breakerBox.getRateFeedTradingMode(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID) == TRADING_MODE_BIDIRECTIONAL,
      "Trading is suspended for this reference rate"

    uint256 scaledAmountIn = amountIn.mul(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenIn]);
    (uint256 scaledAmountOut, bool bucketsUpdated) = _getAmountOut(exchange, tokenIn, tokenOut, scaledAmountIn);
    executeSwap(exchangeId, exchange, tokenIn, scaledAmountIn, scaledAmountOut, bucketsUpdated);

    amountOut = scaledAmountOut.div(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenOut]);
    return amountOut;

   * @notice Execute a token swap with fixed amountOut
   * @param exchangeId The id of exchange, i.e. PoolExchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
   * @return amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
  function swapOut(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountOut
  ) external onlyBroker returns (uint256 amountIn) {
    PoolExchange memory exchange = getPoolExchange(exchangeId);
      breakerBox.getRateFeedTradingMode(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID) == TRADING_MODE_BIDIRECTIONAL,
      "Trading is suspended for this reference rate"

    uint256 scaledAmountOut = amountOut.mul(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenOut]);
    (uint256 scaledAmountIn, bool bucketsUpdated) = _getAmountIn(exchange, tokenIn, tokenOut, scaledAmountOut);
    executeSwap(exchangeId, exchange, tokenIn, scaledAmountIn, scaledAmountOut, bucketsUpdated);

    amountIn = scaledAmountIn.div(tokenPrecisionMultipliers[tokenIn]);
    return amountIn;

  /* ==================== Private Functions ==================== */

   * @notice Execute a swap against the in memory exchange and write
   *         the new bucket sizes to storage.
   * @dev In constant sum exchanges, the virtual bucket ratio serve as the reference price
   *      and should remain constant between bucket updates.
   *      Thats why the amounts of a swap are only applied for constant product exchanges.
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange
   * @param exchange The exchange to operate on
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param scaledAmountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold scaled to 18 decimals
   * @param scaledAmountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought scaled to 18 decimals
   * @param bucketsUpdated whether the buckets updated during the swap
  function executeSwap(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    PoolExchange memory exchange,
    address tokenIn,
    uint256 scaledAmountIn,
    uint256 scaledAmountOut,
    bool bucketsUpdated
  ) internal {
    if (bucketsUpdated) {
      // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
      exchanges[exchangeId].lastBucketUpdate = now;
      emit BucketsUpdated(exchangeId, exchange.bucket0, exchange.bucket1);

    if (isConstantProduct(exchange)) {
      if (tokenIn == exchange.asset0) {
        exchange.bucket0 = exchange.bucket0.add(scaledAmountIn);
        exchange.bucket1 = exchange.bucket1.sub(scaledAmountOut);
      } else {
        exchange.bucket0 = exchange.bucket0.sub(scaledAmountOut);
        exchange.bucket1 = exchange.bucket1.add(scaledAmountIn);

    exchanges[exchangeId].bucket0 = exchange.bucket0;
    exchanges[exchangeId].bucket1 = exchange.bucket1;

   * @notice Calculate amountOut of tokenOut received for a given amountIn of tokenIn
   * @param exchange The exchange to operate on
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param scaledAmountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold scaled to 18 decimals
   * @return scaledAmountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought scaled to 18 decimals
   * @return bucketsUpdated Wether the buckets were updated during the quote
  function _getAmountOut(
    PoolExchange memory exchange,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 scaledAmountIn
    verifyExchangeTokens(tokenIn, tokenOut, exchange)
    returns (uint256 scaledAmountOut, bool bucketsUpdated)
    (exchange, bucketsUpdated) = updateBucketsIfNecessary(exchange);

    if (tokenIn == exchange.asset0) {
      scaledAmountOut = exchange.pricingModule.getAmountOut(
    } else {
      scaledAmountOut = exchange.pricingModule.getAmountOut(

   * @notice Calculate amountIn of tokenIn for a given amountOut of tokenOut
   * @param exchange The exchange to operate on
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param scaledAmountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought scaled to 18 decimals
   * @return scaledAmountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold scaled to 18 decimals
   * @return bucketsUpdated Whether the buckets were updated during the quote
  function _getAmountIn(
    PoolExchange memory exchange,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 scaledAmountOut
    verifyExchangeTokens(tokenIn, tokenOut, exchange)
    returns (uint256 scaledAmountIn, bool bucketsUpdated)
    (exchange, bucketsUpdated) = updateBucketsIfNecessary(exchange);

    if (tokenIn == exchange.asset0) {
      scaledAmountIn = exchange.pricingModule.getAmountIn(
    } else {
      scaledAmountIn = exchange.pricingModule.getAmountIn(

   * @notice If conditions are met, update the exchange bucket sizes.
   * @dev This doesn't checkpoint the exchange, just updates the in-memory one
   * so it should be used in a context that then checkpoints the exchange.
   * @param exchange The exchange being updated.
   * @return exchangeAfter The updated exchange.
  function updateBucketsIfNecessary(PoolExchange memory exchange)
    returns (PoolExchange memory, bool updated)
    if (shouldUpdateBuckets(exchange)) {
      (exchange.bucket0, exchange.bucket1) = getUpdatedBuckets(exchange);
      updated = true;
    return (exchange, updated);

   * @notice Determine if a exchange's buckets should be updated
   * based on staleness of buckets and oracle rates.
   * @param exchange The PoolExchange.
   * @return shouldUpdate
  function shouldUpdateBuckets(PoolExchange memory exchange) internal view returns (bool) {
    bool hasValidMedian = oracleHasValidMedian(exchange);
    if (isConstantSum(exchange)) {
      require(hasValidMedian, "no valid median");
    // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
    bool timePassed = now >= exchange.lastBucketUpdate.add(exchange.config.referenceRateResetFrequency);
    return timePassed && hasValidMedian;

   * @notice Determine if the median is valid based on the current oracle rates.
   * @param exchange The PoolExchange.
   * @return HasValidMedian.
  function oracleHasValidMedian(PoolExchange memory exchange) internal view returns (bool) {
    // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
    (bool isReportExpired, ) = sortedOracles.isOldestReportExpired(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID);
    bool enoughReports = (sortedOracles.numRates(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID) >=
    // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
    bool medianReportRecent = sortedOracles.medianTimestamp(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID) >
    return !isReportExpired && enoughReports && medianReportRecent;

   * @notice Calculate the new bucket sizes for a exchange.
   * @param exchange The PoolExchange in context.
   * @return bucket0 The size of bucket0.
   * @return bucket1 The size of bucket1.
  function getUpdatedBuckets(PoolExchange memory exchange) internal view returns (uint256 bucket0, uint256 bucket1) {
    bucket0 = exchange.config.stablePoolResetSize;
    uint256 exchangeRateNumerator;
    uint256 exchangeRateDenominator;
    (exchangeRateNumerator, exchangeRateDenominator) = getOracleExchangeRate(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID);

    bucket1 = exchangeRateDenominator.mul(bucket0).div(exchangeRateNumerator);

   * @notice Get the exchange rate as numerator,denominator from sorted oracles
   * and protect in case of a 0-denominator.
   * @param target the reportTarget to read from SortedOracles
   * @return rateNumerator
   * @return rateDenominator
  function getOracleExchangeRate(address target)
    returns (uint256 rateNumerator, uint256 rateDenominator)
    (rateNumerator, rateDenominator) = sortedOracles.medianRate(target);
    require(rateDenominator > 0, "exchange rate denominator must be greater than 0");

   * @notice Valitates a PoolExchange's parameters and configuration
   * @dev Reverts if not valid
   * @param exchange The PoolExchange to validate
  function validate(PoolExchange memory exchange) private view {
    require(reserve.isStableAsset(exchange.asset0), "asset0 must be a stable registered with the reserve");
      reserve.isStableAsset(exchange.asset1) || reserve.isCollateralAsset(exchange.asset1),
      "asset1 must be a stable or collateral"
    require(FixidityLib.lte(exchange.config.spread, FixidityLib.fixed1()), "spread must be less than or equal to 1");
    require(exchange.config.referenceRateFeedID != address(0), "referenceRateFeedID must be set");

   * @notice Get the identifier of the pricing module used by a exchange
   * @param exchange The exchange to get the pricing module identifier for
   * @return The encoded and hashed identifier of the pricing module
  function pricingModuleIdentifier(PoolExchange memory exchange) internal view returns (bytes32) {
    return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(;

   * @notice Determine whether an exchange is using a constant sum pricing module
   * @param exchange The exchange to check
   * @return bool indicating if the exchange is using a constant sum pricing module
  function isConstantSum(PoolExchange memory exchange) internal view returns (bool) {
    return pricingModuleIdentifier(exchange) == CONSTANT_SUM;

   * @notice Determine whether an exchange is using a constant product pricing module
   * @param exchange The exchange to check
   * @return bool indicating if the exchange is using a constant product pricing module
  function isConstantProduct(PoolExchange memory exchange) internal view returns (bool) {
    return pricingModuleIdentifier(exchange) == CONSTANT_PRODUCT;


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

 * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
 * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
 * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct
 * manner, since when dealing with GSN meta-transactions the account sending and
 * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
 * is concerned).
 * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
contract Context {
    // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying
    // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance.
    constructor () internal { }
    // solhint-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks

    function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) {
        return msg.sender;

    function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) {
        this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

 * @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations with added overflow
 * checks.
 * Arithmetic operations in Solidity wrap on overflow. This can easily result
 * in bugs, because programmers usually assume that an overflow raises an
 * error, which is the standard behavior in high level programming languages.
 * `SafeMath` restores this intuition by reverting the transaction when an
 * operation overflows.
 * Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
 * class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
library SafeMath {
     * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Addition cannot overflow.
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow (when the result is negative).
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");

     * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
     * overflow (when the result is negative).
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
     * _Available since v2.4.0._
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, errorMessage);
        uint256 c = a - b;

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Multiplication cannot overflow.
    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
        // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
        // See:
        if (a == 0) {
            return 0;

        uint256 c = a * b;
        require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on
     * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
     * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
     * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero");

     * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on
     * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
     * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
     * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
     * _Available since v2.4.0._
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
        require(b > 0, errorMessage);
        uint256 c = a / b;
        // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
     * Reverts when dividing by zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
     * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
     * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero");

     * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
     * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
     * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
     * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
     * _Available since v2.4.0._
    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b != 0, errorMessage);
        return a % b;


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "../GSN/Context.sol";
 * @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where
 * there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to
 * specific functions.
 * This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier
 * `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to
 * the owner.
contract Ownable is Context {
    address private _owner;

    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);

     * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.
    constructor () internal {
        address msgSender = _msgSender();
        _owner = msgSender;
        emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender);

     * @dev Returns the address of the current owner.
    function owner() public view returns (address) {
        return _owner;

     * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(isOwner(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");

     * @dev Returns true if the caller is the current owner.
    function isOwner() public view returns (bool) {
        return _msgSender() == _owner;

     * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call
     * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.
     * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
     * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.
    function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {
        emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0));
        _owner = address(0);

     * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
     * Can only be called by the current owner.
    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {

     * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
    function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal {
        require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address");
        emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner);
        _owner = newOwner;


pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

 * @title FixidityLib
 * @author Gadi Guy, Alberto Cuesta Canada
 * @notice This library provides fixed point arithmetic with protection against
 * overflow.
 * All operations are done with uint256 and the operands must have been created
 * with any of the newFrom* functions, which shift the comma digits() to the
 * right and check for limits, or with wrap() which expects a number already
 * in the internal representation of a fraction.
 * When using this library be sure to use maxNewFixed() as the upper limit for
 * creation of fixed point numbers.
 * @dev All contained functions are pure and thus marked internal to be inlined
 * on consuming contracts at compile time for gas efficiency.
library FixidityLib {
  struct Fraction {
    uint256 value;

   * @notice Number of positions that the comma is shifted to the right.
  function digits() internal pure returns (uint8) {
    return 24;

  uint256 private constant FIXED1_UINT = 1000000000000000000000000;

   * @notice This is 1 in the fixed point units used in this library.
   * @dev Test fixed1() equals 10^digits()
   * Hardcoded to 24 digits.
  function fixed1() internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    return Fraction(FIXED1_UINT);

   * @notice Wrap a uint256 that represents a 24-decimal fraction in a Fraction
   * struct.
   * @param x Number that already represents a 24-decimal fraction.
   * @return A Fraction struct with contents x.
  function wrap(uint256 x) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    return Fraction(x);

   * @notice Unwraps the uint256 inside of a Fraction struct.
  function unwrap(Fraction memory x) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return x.value;

   * @notice The amount of decimals lost on each multiplication operand.
   * @dev Test mulPrecision() equals sqrt(fixed1)
  function mulPrecision() internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return 1000000000000;

   * @notice Maximum value that can be converted to fixed point. Optimize for deployment.
   * @dev
   * Test maxNewFixed() equals maxUint256() / fixed1()
  function maxNewFixed() internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564;

   * @notice Converts a uint256 to fixed point Fraction
   * @dev Test newFixed(0) returns 0
   * Test newFixed(1) returns fixed1()
   * Test newFixed(maxNewFixed()) returns maxNewFixed() * fixed1()
   * Test newFixed(maxNewFixed()+1) fails
  function newFixed(uint256 x) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    require(x <= maxNewFixed(), "can't create fixidity number larger than maxNewFixed()");
    return Fraction(x * FIXED1_UINT);

   * @notice Converts a uint256 in the fixed point representation of this
   * library to a non decimal. All decimal digits will be truncated.
  function fromFixed(Fraction memory x) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return x.value / FIXED1_UINT;

   * @notice Converts two uint256 representing a fraction to fixed point units,
   * equivalent to multiplying dividend and divisor by 10^digits().
   * @param numerator numerator must be <= maxNewFixed()
   * @param denominator denominator must be <= maxNewFixed() and denominator can't be 0
   * @dev
   * Test newFixedFraction(1,0) fails
   * Test newFixedFraction(0,1) returns 0
   * Test newFixedFraction(1,1) returns fixed1()
   * Test newFixedFraction(1,fixed1()) returns 1
  function newFixedFraction(uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    Fraction memory convertedNumerator = newFixed(numerator);
    Fraction memory convertedDenominator = newFixed(denominator);
    return divide(convertedNumerator, convertedDenominator);

   * @notice Returns the integer part of a fixed point number.
   * @dev
   * Test integer(0) returns 0
   * Test integer(fixed1()) returns fixed1()
   * Test integer(newFixed(maxNewFixed())) returns maxNewFixed()*fixed1()
  function integer(Fraction memory x) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    return Fraction((x.value / FIXED1_UINT) * FIXED1_UINT); // Can't overflow

   * @notice Returns the fractional part of a fixed point number.
   * In the case of a negative number the fractional is also negative.
   * @dev
   * Test fractional(0) returns 0
   * Test fractional(fixed1()) returns 0
   * Test fractional(fixed1()-1) returns 10^24-1
  function fractional(Fraction memory x) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    return Fraction(x.value - (x.value / FIXED1_UINT) * FIXED1_UINT); // Can't overflow

   * @notice x+y.
   * @dev The maximum value that can be safely used as an addition operator is defined as
   * maxFixedAdd = maxUint256()-1 / 2, or
   * 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967.
   * Test add(maxFixedAdd,maxFixedAdd) equals maxFixedAdd + maxFixedAdd
   * Test add(maxFixedAdd+1,maxFixedAdd+1) throws
  function add(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    uint256 z = x.value + y.value;
    require(z >= x.value, "add overflow detected");
    return Fraction(z);

   * @notice x-y.
   * @dev
   * Test subtract(6, 10) fails
  function subtract(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    require(x.value >= y.value, "substraction underflow detected");
    return Fraction(x.value - y.value);

   * @notice x*y. If any of the operators is higher than the max multiplier value it
   * might overflow.
   * @dev The maximum value that can be safely used as a multiplication operator
   * (maxFixedMul) is calculated as sqrt(maxUint256()*fixed1()),
   * or 340282366920938463463374607431768211455999999999999
   * Test multiply(0,0) returns 0
   * Test multiply(maxFixedMul,0) returns 0
   * Test multiply(0,maxFixedMul) returns 0
   * Test multiply(fixed1()/mulPrecision(),fixed1()*mulPrecision()) returns fixed1()
   * Test multiply(maxFixedMul,maxFixedMul) is around maxUint256()
   * Test multiply(maxFixedMul+1,maxFixedMul+1) fails
  // solhint-disable-next-line code-complexity
  function multiply(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    if (x.value == 0 || y.value == 0) return Fraction(0);
    if (y.value == FIXED1_UINT) return x;
    if (x.value == FIXED1_UINT) return y;

    // Separate into integer and fractional parts
    // x = x1 + x2, y = y1 + y2
    uint256 x1 = integer(x).value / FIXED1_UINT;
    uint256 x2 = fractional(x).value;
    uint256 y1 = integer(y).value / FIXED1_UINT;
    uint256 y2 = fractional(y).value;

    // (x1 + x2) * (y1 + y2) = (x1 * y1) + (x1 * y2) + (x2 * y1) + (x2 * y2)
    uint256 x1y1 = x1 * y1;
    if (x1 != 0) require(x1y1 / x1 == y1, "overflow x1y1 detected");

    // x1y1 needs to be multiplied back by fixed1
    // solhint-disable-next-line var-name-mixedcase
    uint256 fixed_x1y1 = x1y1 * FIXED1_UINT;
    if (x1y1 != 0) require(fixed_x1y1 / x1y1 == FIXED1_UINT, "overflow x1y1 * fixed1 detected");
    x1y1 = fixed_x1y1;

    uint256 x2y1 = x2 * y1;
    if (x2 != 0) require(x2y1 / x2 == y1, "overflow x2y1 detected");

    uint256 x1y2 = x1 * y2;
    if (x1 != 0) require(x1y2 / x1 == y2, "overflow x1y2 detected");

    x2 = x2 / mulPrecision();
    y2 = y2 / mulPrecision();
    uint256 x2y2 = x2 * y2;
    if (x2 != 0) require(x2y2 / x2 == y2, "overflow x2y2 detected");

    // result = fixed1() * x1 * y1 + x1 * y2 + x2 * y1 + x2 * y2 / fixed1();
    Fraction memory result = Fraction(x1y1);
    result = add(result, Fraction(x2y1)); // Add checks for overflow
    result = add(result, Fraction(x1y2)); // Add checks for overflow
    result = add(result, Fraction(x2y2)); // Add checks for overflow
    return result;

   * @notice 1/x
   * @dev
   * Test reciprocal(0) fails
   * Test reciprocal(fixed1()) returns fixed1()
   * Test reciprocal(fixed1()*fixed1()) returns 1 // Testing how the fractional is truncated
   * Test reciprocal(1+fixed1()*fixed1()) returns 0 // Testing how the fractional is truncated
   * Test reciprocal(newFixedFraction(1, 1e24)) returns newFixed(1e24)
  function reciprocal(Fraction memory x) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    require(x.value != 0, "can't call reciprocal(0)");
    return Fraction((FIXED1_UINT * FIXED1_UINT) / x.value); // Can't overflow

   * @notice x/y. If the dividend is higher than the max dividend value, it
   * might overflow. You can use multiply(x,reciprocal(y)) instead.
   * @dev The maximum value that can be safely used as a dividend (maxNewFixed) is defined as
   * divide(maxNewFixed,newFixedFraction(1,fixed1())) is around maxUint256().
   * This yields the value 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564.
   * Test maxNewFixed equals maxUint256()/fixed1()
   * Test divide(maxNewFixed,1) equals maxNewFixed*(fixed1)
   * Test divide(maxNewFixed+1,multiply(mulPrecision(),mulPrecision())) throws
   * Test divide(fixed1(),0) fails
   * Test divide(maxNewFixed,1) = maxNewFixed*(10^digits())
   * Test divide(maxNewFixed+1,1) throws
  function divide(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) {
    require(y.value != 0, "can't divide by 0");
    // solhint-disable-next-line var-name-mixedcase
    uint256 X = x.value * FIXED1_UINT;
    require(X / FIXED1_UINT == x.value, "overflow at divide");
    return Fraction(X / y.value);

   * @notice x > y
  function gt(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return x.value > y.value;

   * @notice x >= y
  function gte(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return x.value >= y.value;

   * @notice x < y
  function lt(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return x.value < y.value;

   * @notice x <= y
  function lte(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return x.value <= y.value;

   * @notice x == y
  function equals(Fraction memory x, Fraction memory y) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return x.value == y.value;

   * @notice x <= 1
  function isProperFraction(Fraction memory x) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return lte(x, fixed1());


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

contract Initializable {
  bool public initialized;

  constructor(bool testingDeployment) public {
    if (!testingDeployment) {
      initialized = true;

  modifier initializer() {
    require(!initialized, "contract already initialized");
    initialized = true;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

interface IERC20Metadata {
   * @dev Returns the name of the token.
  function name() external view returns (string memory);

   * @dev Returns the symbol of the token.
  function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

   * @dev Returns the decimals places of the token.
  function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

   * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
  function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
  function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`.
   * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
   * Emits a {Transfer} event.
  function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

   * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
   * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
   * zero by default.
   * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
  function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
   * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
   * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
   * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
   * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
   * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
   * desired value afterwards:
   * Emits an {Approval} event.
  function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

   * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the
   * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
   * allowance.
   * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
   * Emits a {Transfer} event.
  function transferFrom(
    address sender,
    address recipient,
    uint256 amount
  ) external returns (bool);

   * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
   * another (`to`).
   * Note that `value` may be zero.
  event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

   * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
   * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
  event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";

 * @title Maintains a doubly linked list keyed by bytes32.
 * @dev Following the `next` pointers will lead you to the head, rather than the tail.
library LinkedList {
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  struct Element {
    bytes32 previousKey;
    bytes32 nextKey;
    bool exists;

  struct List {
    bytes32 head;
    bytes32 tail;
    uint256 numElements;
    mapping(bytes32 => Element) elements;

   * @notice Inserts an element into a doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to insert.
   * @param previousKey The key of the element that comes before the element to insert.
   * @param nextKey The key of the element that comes after the element to insert.
  function insert(
    List storage list,
    bytes32 key,
    bytes32 previousKey,
    bytes32 nextKey
  ) internal {
    require(key != bytes32(0), "Key must be defined");
    require(!contains(list, key), "Can't insert an existing element");
    require(previousKey != key && nextKey != key, "Key cannot be the same as previousKey or nextKey");

    Element storage element = list.elements[key];
    element.exists = true;

    if (list.numElements == 0) {
      list.tail = key;
      list.head = key;
    } else {
      require(previousKey != bytes32(0) || nextKey != bytes32(0), "Either previousKey or nextKey must be defined");

      element.previousKey = previousKey;
      element.nextKey = nextKey;

      if (previousKey != bytes32(0)) {
        require(contains(list, previousKey), "If previousKey is defined, it must exist in the list");
        Element storage previousElement = list.elements[previousKey];
        require(previousElement.nextKey == nextKey, "previousKey must be adjacent to nextKey");
        previousElement.nextKey = key;
      } else {
        list.tail = key;

      if (nextKey != bytes32(0)) {
        require(contains(list, nextKey), "If nextKey is defined, it must exist in the list");
        Element storage nextElement = list.elements[nextKey];
        require(nextElement.previousKey == previousKey, "previousKey must be adjacent to nextKey");
        nextElement.previousKey = key;
      } else {
        list.head = key;

    list.numElements = list.numElements.add(1);

   * @notice Inserts an element at the tail of the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to insert.
  function push(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal {
    insert(list, key, bytes32(0), list.tail);

   * @notice Removes an element from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to remove.
  function remove(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal {
    Element storage element = list.elements[key];
    require(key != bytes32(0) && contains(list, key), "key not in list");
    if (element.previousKey != bytes32(0)) {
      Element storage previousElement = list.elements[element.previousKey];
      previousElement.nextKey = element.nextKey;
    } else {
      list.tail = element.nextKey;

    if (element.nextKey != bytes32(0)) {
      Element storage nextElement = list.elements[element.nextKey];
      nextElement.previousKey = element.previousKey;
    } else {
      list.head = element.previousKey;

    delete list.elements[key];
    list.numElements = list.numElements.sub(1);

   * @notice Updates an element in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @param previousKey The key of the element that comes before the updated element.
   * @param nextKey The key of the element that comes after the updated element.
  function update(
    List storage list,
    bytes32 key,
    bytes32 previousKey,
    bytes32 nextKey
  ) internal {
    require(key != bytes32(0) && key != previousKey && key != nextKey && contains(list, key), "key on in list");
    remove(list, key);
    insert(list, key, previousKey, nextKey);

   * @notice Returns whether or not a particular key is present in the sorted list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @return Whether or not the key is in the sorted list.
  function contains(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal view returns (bool) {
    return list.elements[key].exists;

   * @notice Returns the keys of the N elements at the head of the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param n The number of elements to return.
   * @return The keys of the N elements at the head of the list.
   * @dev Reverts if n is greater than the number of elements in the list.
  function headN(List storage list, uint256 n) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    require(n <= list.numElements, "not enough elements");
    bytes32[] memory keys = new bytes32[](n);
    bytes32 key = list.head;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i = i.add(1)) {
      keys[i] = key;
      key = list.elements[key].previousKey;
    return keys;

   * @notice Gets all element keys from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return All element keys from head to tail.
  function getKeys(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    return headN(list, list.numElements);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./LinkedList.sol";

 * @title Maintains a sorted list of unsigned ints keyed by bytes32.
library SortedLinkedList {
  using SafeMath for uint256;
  using LinkedList for LinkedList.List;

  struct List {
    LinkedList.List list;
    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) values;

   * @notice Inserts an element into a doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to insert.
   * @param value The element value.
   * @param lesserKey The key of the element less than the element to insert.
   * @param greaterKey The key of the element greater than the element to insert.
  function insert(
    List storage list,
    bytes32 key,
    uint256 value,
    bytes32 lesserKey,
    bytes32 greaterKey
  ) internal {
    require(key != bytes32(0) && key != lesserKey && key != greaterKey && !contains(list, key), "invalid key");
      (lesserKey != bytes32(0) || greaterKey != bytes32(0)) || list.list.numElements == 0,
      "greater and lesser key zero"
    require(contains(list, lesserKey) || lesserKey == bytes32(0), "invalid lesser key");
    require(contains(list, greaterKey) || greaterKey == bytes32(0), "invalid greater key");
    (lesserKey, greaterKey) = getLesserAndGreater(list, value, lesserKey, greaterKey);
    list.list.insert(key, lesserKey, greaterKey);
    list.values[key] = value;

   * @notice Removes an element from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to remove.
  function remove(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal {
    list.values[key] = 0;

   * @notice Updates an element in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @param value The element value.
   * @param lesserKey The key of the element will be just left of `key` after the update.
   * @param greaterKey The key of the element will be just right of `key` after the update.
   * @dev Note that only one of "lesserKey" or "greaterKey" needs to be correct to reduce friction.
  function update(
    List storage list,
    bytes32 key,
    uint256 value,
    bytes32 lesserKey,
    bytes32 greaterKey
  ) internal {
    remove(list, key);
    insert(list, key, value, lesserKey, greaterKey);

   * @notice Inserts an element at the tail of the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to insert.
  function push(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal {
    insert(list, key, 0, bytes32(0), list.list.tail);

   * @notice Removes N elements from the head of the list and returns their keys.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param n The number of elements to pop.
   * @return The keys of the popped elements.
  function popN(List storage list, uint256 n) internal returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    require(n <= list.list.numElements, "not enough elements");
    bytes32[] memory keys = new bytes32[](n);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i = i.add(1)) {
      bytes32 key = list.list.head;
      keys[i] = key;
      remove(list, key);
    return keys;

   * @notice Returns whether or not a particular key is present in the sorted list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @return Whether or not the key is in the sorted list.
  function contains(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal view returns (bool) {
    return list.list.contains(key);

   * @notice Returns the value for a particular key in the sorted list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @return The element value.
  function getValue(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint256) {
    return list.values[key];

   * @notice Gets all elements from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return Array of all keys in the list.
   * @return Values corresponding to keys, which will be ordered largest to smallest.
  function getElements(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory, uint256[] memory) {
    bytes32[] memory keys = getKeys(list);
    uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](keys.length);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < keys.length; i = i.add(1)) {
      values[i] = list.values[keys[i]];
    return (keys, values);

   * @notice Gets all element keys from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return All element keys from head to tail.
  function getKeys(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    return list.list.getKeys();

   * @notice Returns first N greatest elements of the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param n The number of elements to return.
   * @return The keys of the first n elements.
   * @dev Reverts if n is greater than the number of elements in the list.
  function headN(List storage list, uint256 n) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    return list.list.headN(n);

   * @notice Returns the keys of the elements greaterKey than and less than the provided value.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param value The element value.
   * @param lesserKey The key of the element which could be just left of the new value.
   * @param greaterKey The key of the element which could be just right of the new value.
   * @return The correct lesserKey keys.
   * @return The correct greaterKey keys.
  function getLesserAndGreater(
    List storage list,
    uint256 value,
    bytes32 lesserKey,
    bytes32 greaterKey
  ) private view returns (bytes32, bytes32) {
    // Check for one of the following conditions and fail if none are met:
    //   1. The value is less than the current lowest value
    //   2. The value is greater than the current greatest value
    //   3. The value is just greater than the value for `lesserKey`
    //   4. The value is just less than the value for `greaterKey`
    if (lesserKey == bytes32(0) && isValueBetween(list, value, lesserKey, list.list.tail)) {
      return (lesserKey, list.list.tail);
    } else if (greaterKey == bytes32(0) && isValueBetween(list, value, list.list.head, greaterKey)) {
      return (list.list.head, greaterKey);
    } else if (
      lesserKey != bytes32(0) && isValueBetween(list, value, lesserKey, list.list.elements[lesserKey].nextKey)
    ) {
      return (lesserKey, list.list.elements[lesserKey].nextKey);
    } else if (
      greaterKey != bytes32(0) && isValueBetween(list, value, list.list.elements[greaterKey].previousKey, greaterKey)
    ) {
      return (list.list.elements[greaterKey].previousKey, greaterKey);
    } else {
      require(false, "get lesser and greater failure");

   * @notice Returns whether or not a given element is between two other elements.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param value The element value.
   * @param lesserKey The key of the element whose value should be lesserKey.
   * @param greaterKey The key of the element whose value should be greaterKey.
   * @return True if the given element is between the two other elements.
  function isValueBetween(
    List storage list,
    uint256 value,
    bytes32 lesserKey,
    bytes32 greaterKey
  ) private view returns (bool) {
    bool isLesser = lesserKey == bytes32(0) || list.values[lesserKey] <= value;
    bool isGreater = greaterKey == bytes32(0) || list.values[greaterKey] >= value;
    return isLesser && isGreater;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./LinkedList.sol";
import "./SortedLinkedList.sol";

 * @title Maintains a sorted list of unsigned ints keyed by bytes32.
library SortedLinkedListWithMedian {
  using SafeMath for uint256;
  using SortedLinkedList for SortedLinkedList.List;

  enum MedianAction {

  enum MedianRelation {

  struct List {
    SortedLinkedList.List list;
    bytes32 median;
    mapping(bytes32 => MedianRelation) relation;

   * @notice Inserts an element into a doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to insert.
   * @param value The element value.
   * @param lesserKey The key of the element less than the element to insert.
   * @param greaterKey The key of the element greater than the element to insert.
  function insert(
    List storage list,
    bytes32 key,
    uint256 value,
    bytes32 lesserKey,
    bytes32 greaterKey
  ) internal {
    list.list.insert(key, value, lesserKey, greaterKey);
    LinkedList.Element storage element = list.list.list.elements[key];

    MedianAction action = MedianAction.None;
    if (list.list.list.numElements == 1) {
      list.median = key;
      list.relation[key] = MedianRelation.Equal;
    } else if (list.list.list.numElements % 2 == 1) {
      // When we have an odd number of elements, and the element that we inserted is less than
      // the previous median, we need to slide the median down one element, since we had previously
      // selected the greater of the two middle elements.
      if (element.previousKey == bytes32(0) || list.relation[element.previousKey] == MedianRelation.Lesser) {
        action = MedianAction.Lesser;
        list.relation[key] = MedianRelation.Lesser;
      } else {
        list.relation[key] = MedianRelation.Greater;
    } else {
      // When we have an even number of elements, and the element that we inserted is greater than
      // the previous median, we need to slide the median up one element, since we always select
      // the greater of the two middle elements.
      if (element.nextKey == bytes32(0) || list.relation[element.nextKey] == MedianRelation.Greater) {
        action = MedianAction.Greater;
        list.relation[key] = MedianRelation.Greater;
      } else {
        list.relation[key] = MedianRelation.Lesser;
    updateMedian(list, action);

   * @notice Removes an element from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to remove.
  function remove(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal {
    MedianAction action = MedianAction.None;
    if (list.list.list.numElements == 0) {
      list.median = bytes32(0);
    } else if (list.list.list.numElements % 2 == 0) {
      // When we have an even number of elements, we always choose the higher of the two medians.
      // Thus, if the element we're removing is greaterKey than or equal to the median we need to
      // slide the median left by one.
      if (list.relation[key] == MedianRelation.Greater || list.relation[key] == MedianRelation.Equal) {
        action = MedianAction.Lesser;
    } else {
      // When we don't have an even number of elements, we just choose the median value.
      // Thus, if the element we're removing is less than or equal to the median, we need to slide
      // median right by one.
      if (list.relation[key] == MedianRelation.Lesser || list.relation[key] == MedianRelation.Equal) {
        action = MedianAction.Greater;
    updateMedian(list, action);


   * @notice Updates an element in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @param value The element value.
   * @param lesserKey The key of the element will be just left of `key` after the update.
   * @param greaterKey The key of the element will be just right of `key` after the update.
   * @dev Note that only one of "lesserKey" or "greaterKey" needs to be correct to reduce friction.
  function update(
    List storage list,
    bytes32 key,
    uint256 value,
    bytes32 lesserKey,
    bytes32 greaterKey
  ) internal {
    remove(list, key);
    insert(list, key, value, lesserKey, greaterKey);

   * @notice Inserts an element at the tail of the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The key of the element to insert.
  function push(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal {
    insert(list, key, 0, bytes32(0), list.list.list.tail);

   * @notice Removes N elements from the head of the list and returns their keys.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param n The number of elements to pop.
   * @return The keys of the popped elements.
  function popN(List storage list, uint256 n) internal returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    require(n <= list.list.list.numElements, "not enough elements");
    bytes32[] memory keys = new bytes32[](n);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i = i.add(1)) {
      bytes32 key = list.list.list.head;
      keys[i] = key;
      remove(list, key);
    return keys;

   * @notice Returns whether or not a particular key is present in the sorted list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @return Whether or not the key is in the sorted list.
  function contains(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal view returns (bool) {
    return list.list.contains(key);

   * @notice Returns the value for a particular key in the sorted list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param key The element key.
   * @return The element value.
  function getValue(List storage list, bytes32 key) internal view returns (uint256) {
    return list.list.values[key];

   * @notice Returns the median value of the sorted list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return The median value.
  function getMedianValue(List storage list) internal view returns (uint256) {
    return getValue(list, list.median);

   * @notice Returns the key of the first element in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return The key of the first element in the list.
  function getHead(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32) {
    return list.list.list.head;

   * @notice Returns the key of the median element in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return The key of the median element in the list.
  function getMedian(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32) {
    return list.median;

   * @notice Returns the key of the last element in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return The key of the last element in the list.
  function getTail(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32) {
    return list.list.list.tail;

   * @notice Returns the number of elements in the list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return The number of elements in the list.
  function getNumElements(List storage list) internal view returns (uint256) {
    return list.list.list.numElements;

   * @notice Gets all elements from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return Array of all keys in the list.
   * @return Values corresponding to keys, which will be ordered largest to smallest.
   * @return Array of relations to median of corresponding list elements.
  function getElements(List storage list)
    returns (
      bytes32[] memory,
      uint256[] memory,
      MedianRelation[] memory
    bytes32[] memory keys = getKeys(list);
    uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](keys.length);
    MedianRelation[] memory relations = new MedianRelation[](keys.length);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < keys.length; i = i.add(1)) {
      values[i] = list.list.values[keys[i]];
      relations[i] = list.relation[keys[i]];
    return (keys, values, relations);

   * @notice Gets all element keys from the doubly linked list.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @return All element keys from head to tail.
  function getKeys(List storage list) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
    return list.list.getKeys();

   * @notice Moves the median pointer right or left of its current value.
   * @param list A storage pointer to the underlying list.
   * @param action Which direction to move the median pointer.
  function updateMedian(List storage list, MedianAction action) private {
    LinkedList.Element storage previousMedian = list.list.list.elements[list.median];
    if (action == MedianAction.Lesser) {
      list.relation[list.median] = MedianRelation.Greater;
      list.median = previousMedian.previousKey;
    } else if (action == MedianAction.Greater) {
      list.relation[list.median] = MedianRelation.Lesser;
      list.median = previousMedian.nextKey;
    list.relation[list.median] = MedianRelation.Equal;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import { IPricingModule } from "./IPricingModule.sol";
import { FixidityLib } from "../common/FixidityLib.sol";

 * @title BiPool Manager interface
 * @notice The two asset pool manager is responsible for
 * managing the state of all two-asset virtual pools.
interface IBiPoolManager {
   * @title PoolExchange
   * @notice The PoolExchange is a type of asset exchange that
   * that implements an AMM with two virtual buckets.
  struct PoolExchange {
    address asset0;
    address asset1;
    IPricingModule pricingModule;
    uint256 bucket0;
    uint256 bucket1;
    uint256 lastBucketUpdate;
    PoolConfig config;

   * @notice Variables related to bucket updates and sizing.
   * @dev Broken down into a separate struct because the compiler
   * version doesn't support structs with too many members.
   * Sad reacts only.
  struct PoolConfig {
    FixidityLib.Fraction spread;
    address referenceRateFeedID; // rateFeedID of the price that this pool follows (i.e. it's reference rate)
    uint256 referenceRateResetFrequency;
    uint256 minimumReports;
    uint256 stablePoolResetSize;

   * @notice Emitted when a new PoolExchange has been created.
   * @param exchangeId The id of the new PoolExchange
   * @param asset0 The address of asset0
   * @param asset1 The address of asset1
   * @param pricingModule the address of the pricingModule
  event ExchangeCreated(
    bytes32 indexed exchangeId,
    address indexed asset0,
    address indexed asset1,
    address pricingModule

   * @notice Emitted when a PoolExchange has been destroyed.
   * @param exchangeId The id of the PoolExchange
   * @param asset0 The address of asset0
   * @param asset1 The address of asset1
   * @param pricingModule the address of the pricingModule
  event ExchangeDestroyed(
    bytes32 indexed exchangeId,
    address indexed asset0,
    address indexed asset1,
    address pricingModule

   * @notice Emitted when the broker address is updated.
   * @param newBroker The address of the new broker.
  event BrokerUpdated(address indexed newBroker);

   * @notice Emitted when the reserve address is updated.
   * @param newReserve The address of the new reserve.
  event ReserveUpdated(address indexed newReserve);

   * @notice Emitted when the breakerBox address is updated.
   * @param newBreakerBox The address of the new breakerBox.
  event BreakerBoxUpdated(address newBreakerBox);

   * @notice Emitted when the sortedOracles address is updated.
   * @param newSortedOracles The address of the new sortedOracles.
  event SortedOraclesUpdated(address indexed newSortedOracles);

   * @notice Emitted when the buckets for a specified exchange are updated.
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange
   * @param bucket0 The new bucket0 size
   * @param bucket1 The new bucket1 size
  event BucketsUpdated(bytes32 indexed exchangeId, uint256 bucket0, uint256 bucket1);

   * @notice Emitted when the pricing modules have been updated.
   * @param newIdentifiers The new identifiers.
   * @param newAddresses The new pricing module addresses.
  event PricingModulesUpdated(bytes32[] newIdentifiers, address[] newAddresses);

   * @notice Retrieves the pool with the specified exchangeId.
   * @param exchangeId The id of the pool to be retrieved.
   * @return exchange The PoolExchange with that ID.
  function getPoolExchange(bytes32 exchangeId) external view returns (PoolExchange memory exchange);

   * @notice Get all exchange IDs.
   * @return exchangeIds List of the exchangeIds.
  function getExchangeIds() external view returns (bytes32[] memory exchangeIds);

   * @notice Create a PoolExchange with the provided data.
   * @param exchange The PoolExchange to be created.
   * @return exchangeId The id of the exchange.
  function createExchange(PoolExchange calldata exchange) external returns (bytes32 exchangeId);

   * @notice Delete a PoolExchange.
   * @param exchangeId The PoolExchange to be created.
   * @param exchangeIdIndex The index of the exchangeId in the exchangeIds array.
   * @return destroyed - true on successful delition.
  function destroyExchange(bytes32 exchangeId, uint256 exchangeIdIndex) external returns (bool destroyed);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

 * @title Breaker Box Interface
 * @notice Defines the basic interface for the Breaker Box
interface IBreakerBox {
   * @dev Used to keep track of the status of a breaker for a specific rate feed.
   * - TradingMode: Represents the trading mode the breaker is in for a rate feed.
   *                This uses a bitmask approach, meaning each bit represents a
   *                different trading mode. The final trading mode of the rate feed
   *                is obtained by applying a logical OR operation to the TradingMode
   *                of all breakers associated with that rate feed. This allows multiple
   *                breakers to contribute to the final trading mode simultaneously.
   *                Possible values:
   *                0: bidirectional trading.
   *                1: inflow only.
   *                2: outflow only.
   *                3: trading halted.
   * - LastUpdatedTime: Records the last time the breaker status was updated. This is
   *                    used to manage cooldown periods before the breaker can be reset.
   * - Enabled:     Indicates whether the breaker is enabled for the associated rate feed.
  struct BreakerStatus {
    uint8 tradingMode;
    uint64 lastUpdatedTime;
    bool enabled;

   * @notice Emitted when a new breaker is added to the breaker box.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
  event BreakerAdded(address indexed breaker);

   * @notice Emitted when a breaker is removed from the breaker box.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
  event BreakerRemoved(address indexed breaker);

   * @notice Emitted when a breaker is tripped by a rate feed.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
  event BreakerTripped(address indexed breaker, address indexed rateFeedID);

   * @notice Emitted when a new rate feed is added to the breaker box.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
  event RateFeedAdded(address indexed rateFeedID);

   * @notice Emitted when dependencies for a rate feed are set.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
   * @param dependencies The addresses of the dependendent rate feeds.
  event RateFeedDependenciesSet(address indexed rateFeedID, address[] indexed dependencies);

   * @notice Emitted when a rate feed is removed from the breaker box.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
  event RateFeedRemoved(address indexed rateFeedID);

   * @notice Emitted when the trading mode for a rate feed is updated
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
   * @param tradingMode The new trading mode.
  event TradingModeUpdated(address indexed rateFeedID, uint256 tradingMode);

   * @notice Emitted after a reset attempt is successful.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
  event ResetSuccessful(address indexed rateFeedID, address indexed breaker);

   * @notice  Emitted after a reset attempt fails when the
   *          rate feed fails the breakers reset criteria.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
  event ResetAttemptCriteriaFail(address indexed rateFeedID, address indexed breaker);

   * @notice Emitted after a reset attempt fails when cooldown time has not elapsed.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
  event ResetAttemptNotCool(address indexed rateFeedID, address indexed breaker);

   * @notice Emitted when the sortedOracles address is updated.
   * @param newSortedOracles The address of the new sortedOracles.
  event SortedOraclesUpdated(address indexed newSortedOracles);

   * @notice Emitted when the breaker is enabled or disabled for a rate feed.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed.
   * @param status Indicating the status.
  event BreakerStatusUpdated(address breaker, address rateFeedID, bool status);

   * @notice Retrives an array of all breaker addresses.
  function getBreakers() external view returns (address[] memory);

   * @notice Checks if a breaker with the specified address has been added to the breaker box.
   * @param breaker The address of the breaker to check;
   * @return A bool indicating whether or not the breaker has been added.
  function isBreaker(address breaker) external view returns (bool);

   * @notice Checks breakers for the rateFeedID and sets correct trading mode
   * if any breakers are tripped or need to be reset.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed to run checks for.
  function checkAndSetBreakers(address rateFeedID) external;

   * @notice Gets the trading mode for the specified rateFeedID.
   * @param rateFeedID The address of the rate feed to retrieve the trading mode for.
  function getRateFeedTradingMode(address rateFeedID) external view returns (uint8 tradingMode);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

 * @title ExchangeProvider interface
 * @notice The IExchangeProvider interface is the interface that the Broker uses
 * to communicate with different exchange manager implementations like the BiPoolManager
interface IExchangeProvider {
   * @notice Exchange - a struct that's used only by UIs (frontends/CLIs)
   * in order to discover what asset swaps are possible within an
   * exchange provider.
   * It's up to the specific exchange provider to convert its internal
   * representation to this universal struct. This conversion should
   * only happen in view calls used for discovery.
   * @param exchangeId The ID of the exchange, used to initiate swaps or get quotes.
   * @param assets An array of addresses of ERC20 tokens that can be swapped.
  struct Exchange {
    bytes32 exchangeId;
    address[] assets;

   * @notice Get all exchanges supported by the ExchangeProvider.
   * @return exchanges An array of Exchange structs.
  function getExchanges() external view returns (Exchange[] memory exchanges);

   * @notice Execute a token swap with fixed amountIn
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
   * @return amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
  function swapIn(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountIn
  ) external returns (uint256 amountOut);

   * @notice Execute a token swap with fixed amountOut
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
   * @return amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
  function swapOut(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountOut
  ) external returns (uint256 amountIn);

   * @notice Calculate amountOut of tokenOut received for a given amountIn of tokenIn
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
   * @return amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
  function getAmountOut(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountIn
  ) external view returns (uint256 amountOut);

   * @notice Calculate amountIn of tokenIn needed for a given amountOut of tokenOut
   * @param exchangeId The id of the exchange to use
   * @param tokenIn The token to be sold
   * @param tokenOut The token to be bought
   * @param amountOut The amount of tokenOut to be bought
   * @return amountIn The amount of tokenIn to be sold
  function getAmountIn(
    bytes32 exchangeId,
    address tokenIn,
    address tokenOut,
    uint256 amountOut
  ) external view returns (uint256 amountIn);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

 * @title Interface for a Mento Pricing Module.
 * @notice A Mento pricing module represents an exchange relation between a pair of ERC20 assets.
interface IPricingModule {
   * @notice Returns the output amount and new bucket sizes for a given input amount.
   * @param tokenInBucketSize Size of the tokenIn bucket.
   * @param tokenOutBucketSize Size of the tokenOut bucket.
   * @param spread Spread charged on exchanges.
   * @param amountIn Amount of tokenIn being paid in.
   * @return amountOut Amount of tokenOut that will be paid out.
  function getAmountOut(
    uint256 tokenInBucketSize,
    uint256 tokenOutBucketSize,
    uint256 spread,
    uint256 amountIn
  ) external view returns (uint256 amountOut);

   * @notice Returns the input amount necessary for a given output amount.
   * @param tokenInBucketSize Size of the tokenIn bucket.
   * @param tokenOutBucketSize Size of the tokenOut bucket.
   * @param spread Spread charged on exchanges.
   * @param amountOut Amount of tokenIn being paid out.
   * @return amountIn Amount of tokenOut that would have to be paid in.
  function getAmountIn(
    uint256 tokenInBucketSize,
    uint256 tokenOutBucketSize,
    uint256 spread,
    uint256 amountOut
  ) external view returns (uint256 amountIn);

   * @notice Retrieve the name of this pricing module.
   * @return exchangeName The name of the pricing module.
  function name() external view returns (string memory pricingModuleName);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

interface IReserve {
  function setTobinTaxStalenessThreshold(uint256) external;

  function addToken(address) external returns (bool);

  function removeToken(address, uint256) external returns (bool);

  function transferGold(address payable, uint256) external returns (bool);

  function transferExchangeGold(address payable, uint256) external returns (bool);

  function transferCollateralAsset(
    address collateralAsset,
    address payable to,
    uint256 value
  ) external returns (bool);

  function getReserveGoldBalance() external view returns (uint256);

  function getUnfrozenReserveGoldBalance() external view returns (uint256);

  function getOrComputeTobinTax() external returns (uint256, uint256);

  function getTokens() external view returns (address[] memory);

  function getReserveRatio() external view returns (uint256);

  function addExchangeSpender(address) external;

  function removeExchangeSpender(address, uint256) external;

  function addSpender(address) external;

  function removeSpender(address) external;

  function isStableAsset(address) external view returns (bool);

  function isCollateralAsset(address) external view returns (bool);

  function getDailySpendingRatioForCollateralAsset(address collateralAsset) external view returns (uint256);

  function isExchangeSpender(address exchange) external view returns (bool);

  function addCollateralAsset(address asset) external returns (bool);

  function transferExchangeCollateralAsset(
    address collateralAsset,
    address payable to,
    uint256 value
  ) external returns (bool);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.5.13;

import "../common/linkedlists/SortedLinkedListWithMedian.sol";

interface ISortedOracles {
  function addOracle(address, address) external;

  function removeOracle(
  ) external;

  function report(
  ) external;

  function removeExpiredReports(address, uint256) external;

  function isOldestReportExpired(address token) external view returns (bool, address);

  function numRates(address) external view returns (uint256);

  function medianRate(address) external view returns (uint256, uint256);

  function numTimestamps(address) external view returns (uint256);

  function medianTimestamp(address) external view returns (uint256);

  function getOracles(address) external view returns (address[] memory);

  function getTimestamps(address token)
    returns (
      address[] memory,
      uint256[] memory,
      SortedLinkedListWithMedian.MedianRelation[] memory

Compiler Settings


Contract ABI

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