Token Details

Token ID: 2652

ERC-1155 4 Transfers


  "name": "Waste less Arugam Bay Plastic Recovery Guarantee 4",
  "image": "",
  "description": "At WLAB we are trying our best to contribute to a cleaner Arugam Bay and prolong the life of plastic. We also believe not all plastic is bad. It is an awesome material and has great properties but we seriously need to reconsider our consumption of single use plastics and redesign the value chain. With our waste collection alone it is extremely difficult to break even since the value of the raw material waste is so low. \r\nWith this NFT you can support our operation and secure more plastic going into recycling rather than being burned or ending up in the jungle or ocean.  Your next surf shorts might be made from these bottles! THANK YOU\r\n",
  "data": {
    "weight": "632",
    "plastic_type": "PET 1",
    "invoice_key": "i3qn67qs11tegdyju1gh7vj5il3p",
    "info": {
      "tax_id": "174952736",
      "recycler_country": "Sri Lanka",
      "recycler_company_name": "Lanka Upcycles Pvt Ltd.",
      "recycler_city": "Ampara",
      "recycler_address": "Main Street, 32418 Komari",
      "invoice_number": "698",
      "date_recylcling": "2022-10-03",
      "coordinates": [